Pavel Grinfeld (also known as Greenfield) is an applied mathematician. He is a member of the Mathematics department at Drexel University. He studies problems with moving surfaces in applied mathematics (particularly Calculus of Variations), geometry, physics, and engineering.
Grinfeld received his PhD in Applied Mathematics from the MIT in 2003. He spent two years as a postdoctoral fellow at the MIT Department of Earth, Atmosphere and Planetary Sciences, conducting research in geodynamics.
Grinfeld is the author of the dynamic fluid film equations.
Grinfeld is a co-author (with Haruo Kojima of Rutgers University) of the instability of the 2S electron bubbles.
Grinfeld currently teaches Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, and Tensor Calculus Analysis.
Hydrodynamics and fluid films dynamics, thermodynamics and phase transformations, minimal surfaces and calculus of variations.